An Open Letter To The Candidate With No Alternative Solution

Dear Mr Reviewer General,
For the past three years, you have been singing dirges about hardships having scourged the Ghanaian people due to what you describe as the Akufo-Addo administration’s failure to provide a better leadership for the country.
You go about labelling yourself as the Messiah to save the Ghanaian people from the economic stagnancy you say can be found in the country.
You have lampooned every single policy of the government, stating that they are detrimental to the well-being of the masses.
On several occasions, we have asked you to come out with alternative ideas to the ones you have been criticizing. On more occasions than we can readily recall, we have demanded from you practical solutions to these wailings of yours.
All that you keep on telling us is that you will review all the policies rolled out by this Government. Your solution is to gather stakeholders to brainstorm on ideas to help improve or withdraw some of the policies.
You, the Messiah, it is crystal clear, have no solutions to the challenges YOU claim to have discovered. The Messiah can only review, we are told.
Then in a sudden twist of events, an emotive letter comes from you, asking the Ghanaian public to supply you with ideas to write your manifesto. You, by that letter, rendered the 20-man contingent tasked to write the manifesto useless.
While we are still wondering how a self-styled Messiah, the man who wants to rescue us from economic hardships, through the communications outfit of your party, comes to us with a 51-man list of people you claim are appointees who are linked to the President by blood.
It flabbergasts me how your team could not find time to write the manifesto and is asking the general public for ideas to do so but found time to do a research on the supposed family and friends of the President.
You prefer majoring in the minors. You have time to compile a list that won’t add a single vote to you at the expense of the manifesto that highlights intended polices and programmes of a party seeking to lead a nation.
This family and friends song has failed to yield its intended results as the poor reception it was greeted with loudly points out.
We ask again, what are your alternative solutions? Where can we locate your prescribed medicines for the so-called ailing economy? Mr. Mahama, you are not a worthy alternative because you are empty.
Mahama has been giving INEXPLICABLY PARADOXICAL accounts of his stewardship in relation to the economy.
He has, on many occasions, downgraded the economic wellbeing of the country under the able leadership of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.
Not long ago, he described the economy as being in an intensive care unit since Ghanaians, according to him, cannot relate to what the Akufo-Addo Government says it has been doing to alleviate the sufferings of the masses.
To him, these chants about the economy being canoed to safety is nothing but a complete deception being perpetuated by the handlers of the economy.
In a twist of irony, Mr. Mahama, in a recent interview, has implored Ghanaians to credit him with the healthy economy being witnessed now.
To him, measures he put in place before his exit were the catalysts that propelled Ghana to be amongst the best in the world this year.
How can a rundown economy be robust at the same time for Mahama to boast about it? He is confusion personified! He hardly looks over his shoulder when making statements. He is full of contradictions.
Akufo-Addo’s Free SHS policy has become something like an incubus to the NDC as can be witnessed by the boatload of negative sentiments from them against the programme.
The Minority in Parliament has indicated that about 1400 girls over the past year got pregnant.
In their usual phantasms, elements who used to be beneficiaries of the largesse shared by the Mahama administration continue to lionize John Mahama.
These students, according to the Minority, got impregnated as a result of the introduction of the Double Track system.
Apart from groping to identify the correlation between these pregnancies and the Double Track System, I am struggling to believe if students in the past were not getting pregnant.
If 1400 girls out of a possible 800,000 students at the time got pregnant, what makes the Double Track System the causal factor of this matter?
In other words, until the Double Track System was introduced, we are being told, no girl student got pregnant.
So these NDC MPs are telling me that when we were completing JSS in 1993 and some of our mates got pregnant even at that level, Akufo-Addo’s Double Track System was to blame?
The Free SHS policy still gives these people nightmares. They have not recovered from the introduction of the policy by President Akufo-Addo, a policy they said was an impossible dream.
Communist: John Antwi Boasiako