All you need to know about Apiate explosion mass burial

6 victims to be buried March 11 by the state

Committee has granted some family requests to bury relations privately, MCE

59 persons injured in Apiate explosion

The Apiate explosion which occurred on January 20, 2022, took the lives of 13 Ghanaians including a fifteen-month-old Ella Baidoo, with 59 people sustaining injuries.

The state, through the Apiate Disaster Relief Committee, will be having a mass burial for 6 of these victims on Friday, March 11, 2022.

The persons to be buried include Ella Baido (15 years old), Ekua Nyame (80 years old), Justice Kwesi Takwa (21 years old), Emmanuel Quainoo (29 years old), Isaac Benyin (45 years old), and Michael Afriyie (19 years old).

The state held a wake-keeping on Thursday, March 10, 2022, the victims will be laid in state during a burial service on Friday, March 11, 2022, and buried on the same day.

The thanksgiving service and the final funeral rites will be held on Sunday, March 13, 2022. All the activities will be held at the explosion scene, Apiate Park.

The Municipal Chief Executive (MCE) for Prestea-Huni Valley, Dr Isaac Dasmani, has said that the committee has granted the request of families who would want to bury their deceased relatives privately, reported.

One of the victims Isaac Anane (35 years old) will also be laid in state together with the 6 victims at Apiate on March 11 but will be taken to Dumase for burial.

Four of the victims were laid to rest on March 6, 2022, the other two namely Emmanuel Awingura (24 years old) and Eric Gyimah (24 years old) will be taken away to their hometowns for burial.


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