All is set for the International Relations, Diplomacy, and Human Rights Summit 2023

HE Amb. Abu Zein
The International Human Rights Commission African office (IHRC AFRICA) in Accra under the auspices of HE Amb. Abu Zein, Vice chairman for African Region and Ambassador at large to the African Union, International Human Rights Commission, is to hold an International Relations, Diplomacy, and Human Rights Summit 2023 (IRDHRS) on 25 July 2023 at 2:00 PM GMT under the chairmanship of HE Ambassador Dr Muhammad SA Khan, World Chair and Ambassador at- large of the International Human Rights Commission.
The summit would be held virtually via the Zoom communication platform and broadcast on IHRC Africa and Geneva Facebook Pages.
The theme for the summit, “Assessment of Unjust Wars and Global Instability on Human Rights”, forms part of preliminary activities leading to the 7th World Summit for Human Rights 2023, which will be held in Geneva, Switzerland later in the year.
The International Human Rights Commission was founded by seven organizations during the conference of their leaders, held in London on the 10th of December 1988, to create an international network for the protection of Human Rights.
The International Human Rights Commission as an inter-governmental organization has an Observer status from the United Nations Environment Program and the United Nations Economic and Social Council.
As an intergovernmental organization, IHRC Africa is proud to be hosting this summit which is meant to highlight the impact of unjust wars and global instability on human rights in this modern era.
The summit aims to explore potential solutions that can advance human rights for a better world through the contributions of IHRC Africa as an intergovernmental organization headquartered in Accra, Ghana.
The International Relations, Diplomacy, and Human Rights Summit 2023 presents an opportunity to initiate discussions on international relations, with a particular emphasis on the interactions among sovereign states and diplomacy.
The summit will draw a linkage between International Relations and Diplomacy as a primary instrument of foreign policy, representing the broader goals and strategies that guide a state’s engagement with the world; and the foundation upon which the fundamental human rights of all individuals are built. It is worth noting that international human rights law is a beneficiary of International Relations and Diplomacy.
Throughout history, unjustifiable actions in war are counted as war crimes, even if the wars in which they occur are just. If, however, the wars are unjust, they are counted as internationally illegal acts of aggression for which the national governments or military commands, rather than individual soldiers, are responsible. These actions of just and unjust wars have brought about Global Instability in Human Rights.
The African Continent, despite the historical antecedents of wars and conflict, the protection of basic human rights in Africa has been championed by a courageous few within the civil society. However, as democracy has taken root across the continent in recent years, the significance of human rights for Africa’s long-term security and development has gained widespread recognition. Many African national and intergovernmental institutions are now actively addressing human rights issues.
The International Human Rights Commission Africa (IHRC Africa) Vice Chair for the African Region and Ambassador-At-Large to the Africa Union, H. E. Abu Zein and the World Chairman of IHRC, H. E. DR. Mohammad Shahid Amin Khan are some of the high-profiled personalities who will be in attendance. The Summit will be moderated by Dr. Ruby Appiah- Campbell, Assistant Professor of Marketing at Loughborough University and founder of Life Beacon International, UK, Hon. Ms. Silver, Patino, Deputy Minister of Justice, Paraguay, and Hon. Hosna Jahil, Deputy Minister, Ministry of Interior Afghanistan are expected to give keynote speeches. Other speakers include Professor Stephen Alder Ph.D., Executive Director of the Centre for Business, Health and Prosperity, University of Utah, USA, Dr Houda Chini, PHD, Senior Researcher and Technical Enthusiast Expert in Digital Transformation, Cyber Security and Internet Governance, Chief Engineer at Tunisia telecom, and Dr chief Nathaniel E Nsarko, Director General of the International Human Rights Commission Africa. The rest are Angelo Coroneo, International Relations Students and Junior Coordinator Associazione Diplomatic, Belgium, and Giulia Tariello, Italian Youth Delegate to the UN, Italy.
It is hoped that this summit, will present a platform for a conversation on actions and inactions of just and unjust wars and how human rights must be protected as International human rights law provides the body of international law designed to promote human rights on social, regional, and domestic levels. Because of this, human rights are standards that recognize and protect the dignity of all human beings.
Human rights govern how individual human beings live in society and with each other, as well as their relationship with the State and the obligations that the State have towards them.