Bridget Otoo joins Metro TV as Newscaster

After several years of being off the television screens, Bridget Otoo has finally relaunched her broadcast Journalism career.
The opinionated media personality joins Accra-based Metro Television as a Newscaster for the Television station’s prime time news.
She joins Metro TV at a time the Television station has rebranded and built a solid team to provide viewers great content.
Announcing the new move, the newscaster said “We go again; I got a call from someone I revere months ago and I didn’t think much of it. Then another, a few weeks later, put the sheer volume of the task ahead in perspective. I had to take five to wrap my head around it but shortly after, the third time was the charm”.
“I received an offer I couldn’t refuse! & now here we are at @metrotvgh, my new home. They absolutely love my unique and authentic perspective and I plan to make every second of it count.”
“I would like to say thank you to the Managing Director of Metro TV @kayodeAkintemi for trusting and accepting me for who I am and Dr. Randy Abbey for the absolute belief in me.”