Akufo-Addo’s Led Government Does Not Use Borrowed Monies On Wasteful Expenditure – Edmund Kyei Jabs Dr. Kofi Amoah

Though the government has been borrowing from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and other Monetary institutions same as other African countries.
But let’s look at the picture from this angle; if you have a sick kid and you do not have money to take the kid to the hospital but have friends who can offer you money with flexible terms and conditions, would you prefer to let your kid die or get this help and later in the future meet their expectations which can settle the debt?
I know some will argue that we have enough resources and other internally generated funds that we can depend on but the question is how long will it take us to exploit these resources or make these resources readily available in monetary terms to meet the growing needs of the people.
We can borrow to meet the needs and we as well exploit these resources in the rightful manner and have enough time to settle these debts.
Mind you, the monies borrowed are spent on critical needs of the people such as building of hospitals, other vital infrastructure activities like school, roads, factories, warehouses, dams, electricity expansions, entrepreneurial skills, farming and other relevant projects.
It is no big deal to borrow to invest in policies and project that bring relief to the ordinary Ghanaian but not kept in pockets of few greedy politicians who will eat with both hands.
Unlike other governments who still borrow and use it on projects which are not worth it or haven’t brought any relief to the peopleon the ground. Such projects have become white elephants wasting away with the passing of every time that goes by.
To me, the current government borrows to help accomplish a vision worth it and justifiable by the people.
The government as we all know is more accountable to the people of Ghana than any government we have ever had.
Government where systems work and structures are followed.
Edmund Kyei
Asokwa Constituency 1st Vice Chairman
Members of NPP National Communication
Source: Myghanamedia.com