Adwoa Safo’s 7 unexpected responses that got Ghanaians talking

Adwoa Safo was among some three Members of Parliament who were referred by the Speaker to Parliament’s Privileges Committee for absenting themselves from Parliament for more than 15 days.
During an interview with Joy News on The Pulse show Thursday, the legislator who doubles as Gender Minister made some comments about her long absence while reacting to pertinent issues that emerged during the period.
Among these were questions about what warranted her said absence, her availability for hearing before Parliament’s Privileges committee, a possible return date when she would resume her duties and responsibilities, and whether or not she still remains to committed and loyal to her party – the New Patriotic Party (NPP) and government.
Her responses varied, each touching on critical issues that had been raised.
These were of these responses that were given by the MP, Adwoa Safo.
1. To the question of why she had to absent herself for this long, she said,
I am not intentionally abandoning my duties and responsibilities. I have served the people of Ghana for 12 years and there has not been any past records of me absenting myself like this and that should tell people that, there is really something that has to be done with family and I know that you will put family first.
2. To the question of whether or not she knew about the summon by Parliament’s Privileges Committee and her intended action with regards to that, the MP said,
“I’ve been a deputy leader of Ghana’s parliament and I know the rules, and I know that the privileges committee wants me to be in parliament but as we speak, I don’t know that I’ve been invited to be served and I’m not aware that any such thing has been given to me.
“As you can see, I’m here in the United States and I didn’t know that I was supposed to. If the Speaker says that you have been referred, the Committee has to sit and have its own modalities of how we are going to appear, when and how date, when and information they are requiring and I don’t think I have all of that now”.
“If I’m served and I look at the circumstances and I can, why not, but I’ve not been served. I know the rules and I’ve been a practicing lawyer. I don’t have to be served through Joynews nor a third party.
3. To the question of when she will be returning to the country to take up her expected duties as Member of Parliament and Gender Minister, her response was:
I will return. As you know, I had to return to the United States of America to become the best mother that I could be, and I’m still here making sure that all that is settled with my son, the authorities and school is still ongoing.
With God everything is possible.
We’ve been praying, I’ve been doing all I can to support my children which is required by law, and they are in a foreign land and I have to comply with whatever I’m directed to and until all that is sorted out, I have to do what I have to do and then I will return to my duties.
It’s not something I can predict.
4. To the question of her loyalty to the party, the Gender Minister said:
I haven’t given up on my party, I am still very loyal and committed to my party and to His Excellency the President and I have had a record of the 2012 election petition from Dome Kwabenya and that is what landed us all in power today and I will be the last person to put that fight, courage and record I’ve fought for into disrepute at this time so I’m not going to respond to third parties.
I’m still committed to my party, I’m still committed to the government and I’m still committed to His Excellency the President.
5. In response to whether the President knew about her leaving and whether she sought permission from same, she said:
His Excellency the President and he is very much aware of what is happening to me and my family.
6. In response to criticisms and allegations of sabotage by party elements and critics
That is so so untrue. I forgive anyone who went out there to insult me because of hearsay or because of third-party people or people telling them what they think they know which is all untrue and my personal assistant has even come in to debunk them.
The reason I didn’t come out immediately is that as a female seasoned politician, when people are speaking loudly and you speak, nobody listens and this is the time for me to explain my silence because it was too rowdy, it was too loud and now everything is calm and people will listen to what you gotta say.
7. With regards to matters about her job security, Adwoa Safo said:
The prerogative lies in the President and he knows exactly what I’m capable of doing, what I’ve done for the party, and parliament, and he knows I will not intentionally abandon my duties and he won’t allow me to stay for the family if he didn’t know exactly what was happening.
When I touch down, I’ll do what I have to do as a minister since I have not been relieved of my post yet.
I’m not worried because I’m not only physical, I’m also very spiritual, I’m prayerful, and I know that my Lord knows exactly why I’m here and he’ll help me fight my battle.
You can also watch this episode of The Lowdown here: