A/R: setback hits kejetia project…traders snob KMA eviction order and delay simulation exercise
Simulation exercise yet to be carried out within the newly constructed Kejetia lorry terminal is likely to witness a delay in its commencement, THE PRESS RADIO can state authoritatively.
This is premised on the prevailing reality that traders who are supposed to evacuate streets serving as link route to the multi capacity lorry terminal to give way for the exercise are still unwilling to leave despite several evacuation announcements made by authorities of KMA through the media.
All roads linking the project site at areas including “Dr Mensah”, Adum-Pampaso and road stretching from Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital are still occupied by these traders who have flashed down the lavatory the eviction order.
Per the order, traders are to relocate to other satellite markets such as abinkyi, race course, adoato, asawase markets among others. Most of them who spoke in an interview expressed unwillingness, complaining that those areas are not conducive for their trade.
Evacuation deadline given to traders fell on Wednesday 23rd January 2019 but shockingly when this journalist made a stop over visit to the areas a day after the set date, battalion of traders were as usual going about their daily commercial activities with no regards whatsoever to KMA’s relocation order.
Reasons for authorities failure to stand by their words and evict traders from the roads linking the lorry terminal after the expiration of the deadline still dwell within the shadows.
“Has their (KMA) decision to hold a simulation exercise within the lorry terminal gone to rest or KMA wants to exercise leniency considering Kumasi and for that matter Ashanti region being the stronghold of NPP?”, an inquisitorial mind questioned rhetorically in an interview with THE PRESS RADIO.
The exercise which will be carried out by authorities of NADMO in conjunction with KMA will help access the strength of the terminal and see how fit it is to accommodate vehicular movements plus other commercial activities before its commissioning.
From the view of scores of concern citizens who have the development of the metropolis at heart, the execution of the foregoing exercise appears to have become a hard nut to crack for authorities of KMA considering their delay in driving out traders to make way for the immediate commencement of the simulation exercise.
They (citizens) are through this medium calling on authorities to without fear or favour enforce the order by ensuring that traders are cleared from all entry routes linking the project site and relocated to other satellite markets.
“The completion and commissioning of the Kejetia lorry terminal will be delayed if KMA authorities grow weak in the enforcement of their orders” a traveler bearing the name Stephen Kwakye, disclosed.
By Enock Akonnor
source; thepressradio.com
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