A/R: 5 best MMDCEs in Ashanti Region named…amansie west dce tops all

Five MMDCE’s  of ten assemblies in Ashanti region have been named as the best performing government officials.
They are Hon Elijah Adansi Bona who is the Chief Executive Officer for Obuasi Municipality, Hon Nii Olenu Amansie West District, Nana Okyere Tawiah for Atwima Kwanwoma, Nana Osei Assibey for Kwabre East and Hon Christian Adu-Poku of Afigya Kwabre South.
This was contained in a fresh research done by Duncan and Associates Research Services on the topic; “effects of the performance of MMDCEs on Election 2020”  using Ashanti region as case study.
The performance of the foregoing government officials were accessed on how their delivery has impacted positively in their area of jurisdiction  in terms of leadership style , human relations, commitment to duty, attention to telephone calls, due diligence and achievements.
Hon Nii Olenu of Manso Nkwanta came out first on the list followed by Nana Okyere Tawiah of Atwima Kwanwoma District, Hon Elijah Adansi Bona of Obuasi Municipality scoring the 3rd position, Hon Nana Osie Assibey earning the 4th position and Dr. Christian Adu-Poku occupying the 5th position.
These are CEO’s who scored above 92-95% whilst the best performer scored 98.2% representing distinction.
The search targeted 30 districts and categorized them into groups A, B and C.
The above listed assemblies were part of group A and were fortunate to come out successful among ten assemblies in the same group.
Other Assemblies who were surveyed but were unlucky to fall within the best five were Atwima Mponua, Amansie West, Obuasi South and Sekyere South.
Results on groups B and C are in progress
According to the research team, the current MMDCEs in pursuant of Group A in terms of Education and qualification have good academic credentials to hold the positions they are occupying and even to the extend of holding higher positions than the current one.
The CEO for the research team Mr. Boateng Duncan a.k.a Bombay in an interview with THE PRESS RADIO commended the appointment committee for selecting such high standard personalities with academic credentials to occupy the positions in question.
Mr. Boateng Duncan thanked the central government for contributing greatly to the performance of the MMDCEs and for constantly organizing workshops for the officials to boost on their delivery.
story By Enock Akonnor

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