RTI Bill Cannot Be Passed Now – Mensah-Bonsu
The Majority Leader in Parliament, Osei Kyei Mensah-Bonsu has disclosed that the much talked about Right to Information Bill is not likely to be passed before the House rises on Saturday.
The Right to Information Bill, when passed will ensure enhanced transparency in the governance process. It has remained on the drawing board and all efforts to get it passed into law continue to be a mirage.
The right to information is a fundamental human right guaranteed by the country’s 1992 Constitution and recognised as a right under international conventions on human rights.
The bill, when passed, will give substance to Article 21 (1) (f) of the Constitution which states: “All persons shall have the right to information subject to such qualifications and laws as are necessary in a democratic society.”
Speaking at a meet the press event Wednesday, the Suame MP said Parliament may consider the passage of the bill when the House reconvenes.
“We have so many clauses to consider and yet parliament is taking an adjournment on Saturday, it will not be possible for us to complete it [Right to Information Bill].
“We will continue in the next meeting but I do know that the next meeting is also the budget meeting so we’ll see what to do but I can assure that if we’re not able to complete it in the budget meeting certainly the civil meeting, we will be able to bring it to a closure,” the majority Leader said.
The Right to Information Bill was first drafted in 1999 under the supervision of governance think-tank, Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA).
The document went through series of reviews in 2003, 2005 and 2007 before finding a temporary home in Parliament on February 5, 2010.
Source: Ghana/Starrfmonline.com