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Destabilization plot: High Court to hear ACP Agordzo’s bail application today



The High Court will today hear a bail application by lawyers of embattled senior police officer, ACP Dr. Benjamin Agordzo who is facing trial for his alleged involvement in the plot to destabilize the country.

ACP Agordzo has been charged with abetment to commit crime namely treason felony and is currently on remand in police custody.

His lawyers at his appearance at the district court last week challenged the jurisdiction of the court to hear the case in a bid to have their client freed but failed as the court ruled that it was clothed with jurisdiction to hear the matter.

High Court denies accused persons bail

Last week, the High Court dismissed a bail application by the seven accused persons facing trial for their alleged plot to topple the government.

According to the Judge, Justice George Buadi, none of the accused persons had been detained beyond two months and their arrest and detention are not arbitrary or unlawful.

He further added that the accused persons have the capacity to interfere with investigations if released.

The Judge cited an example of how Junior Officers managed to stage a coup in the country.

The nine persons, three civilians, and six military personnel are facing charges of treason felony and conspiracy to commit treason felony.


Key interrogation

The former Director of the Transformation Office of the Ghana Police Service, ACP Dr. Benjamin Agordzo is also facing trial over the alleged plot.

The BNI and National Security operations confirmed that former Executive Secretary at the office of the IGP, Superintendent Peter Toobu Lanchene has also been invited for questioning.

Supt. Toobu, who is the NDC parliamentary candidate for Wa West Constituency in the Upper West Region also worked in the office of former IGP, David Asante-Apeatu.

COP Nathan Kofi Boakye, has also been interrogated in connection with the development.

Already, some nine persons including Dr. Frederick Yao Mac-Palm, who’s believed to be the lead mastermind, have been charged for treason felony and are standing trial.

Source:Fred Tettey Djabanor |
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