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NDC being held to ransom by a few ‘wealthy’ individuals – Rawlings



Former President, Jerry John Rawlings believes that the apparent sense of dictatorship within the National Democratic Congress (NDC) is as a result of the concentration of powers in the hands of a few ‘financially strong’ individuals within the party.

According to him, such persons hold the party to ransom and continue to influence every single move made by the party.

Speaking at the commemoration of the 31st December Revolution at Ashiaman, Accra on Monday, Mr. Rawlings bemoaned the non-payment if the yearly token fee by members of the party, forcing the NDC to rely on financial support of individuals he described as ‘power brokers’ who fundamentally cripple the effective management of the main opposition party.

“It is important that I refer to one of the challenges that has affected the quality of integrity in our party. Per the regulations of the NDC, every member is expected to pay a token annual fee to justify their membership. Unfortunately, though we have millions who sympathise with the ideals of the party many prefer not to offer their widow’s mite to the successful management of the party.

“This has resulted in a situation where a few individuals have constituted themselves into power brokers who dictate the direction of the party by holding it to ransom with their financial strength. The vast majority of the party have become subservient to the dictates of these power brokers, he noted.

Payment of dues will enhance the chances of winning the election

The Former President, therefore, encourage party supporters to contribute wholeheartedly to sustain the NDC’s operations.

He also advised party executives to find innovative ways of collecting the dues which will among other things increase the party’s chances of emerging victorious at the polls.

“It is imperative that members own and actively participate in the activities of the party by contributing their widow’s mite at all levels. We need to devise a mechanism that makes it attractive to pay our dues and levies. In conscientizing members on their obligations, ease of payment, proper records, transparency and accountability should be embraced. This will energise the base, deepen commitment and enhance the chances of winning elections.”

About the 31st December Revolution

On 31st December 1981, former President Flt Lt Jerry John Rawlings led a group of soldiers to topple the late President Hilla Liman’s government to form the Provisional National Defense Council (PNDC).

The PNDC was an amalgamation of the Armed Forces Revolution Council (AFRC) which on 4th June 1978, deposed the Supreme Military Council (SMC) II, and handed over power to Liman’s government after elections.

The PNDC steered the affairs of the country until 1992 when the country was returned to constitutional democracy.


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