Audio: NPP will continuously stay in power for 24 years – NPP Man

Chief Executive Officer of the Microfinance and Small Loans Centre (MASLOC) says the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP) will stay in office for the next twenty fouryears.

Mr. Stephen Amoah stated that, the incumbent government is rolling out several socio-economic initiatives to enhance the development of Ghana and therefore Ghanaians would give them another chance.

“I know we will be in power for the next 24-years. NPP is doing well and has done really well in the past years unlike the NDC who failed to govern the country” he said.

Speaking on Asempa FM’s Ekosii Sen Tuesday, Mr. Amoah opined that the fundamentals of the Ghanaian economy, coupled with the prevailing social indicators, points to a “good example” worthy of emulation by others on the continent.

He said the NPP government has managed Ghana’s economy very well over the last 23 months, leading to significant macro-economic stability and progress in all aspects of national life.

To him, voting the National Democratic Congress (NDC) into power following the good works and social interventions that the Kufour government laid for Ghanaians was the genesis of the economic challenges confronting Ghanaian.


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