I SMOKE, DRINK and don’t give a damn-Bobie Ansah on wee accusations
A former presenter and political talk show host of Accra-based Asempa Fm, Nana Kwabena Bobie-Ansah has openly admitted smoking and drinking and says there is nothing to be ashamed of in engaging in the two acts.
MyNewsGh.com monitored an interview he granted to Homebased Television on Friday where he said people who do not want to friends with him because he indulges in the two acts can do their worse because he cares the less.
He however denied smoking marijuana as being speculated by a section of the public he was once caught in a ghetto with other puffing the contraband substance.
“You know me, I don’t hide what I do…I smoke. I smoke cigarette, I don’t smoke weed…I don’t hide it why should I hide it? If I smoke cigarette why should I hide it?” he told the host in a harsh tone.
In his argument, he is not a hypocrite to hide what he does from the public but if persons close to him decide to go their way because they cannot conform to his smoking and drinking lifestyle they are obliged to do so.
“I drink because I am not a hypocrite. I have no problem with anyone because what I do is between me and God so I don’t hide whatever I do and I don’t give a damn. If you think I smoke and you don’t want to be friends with me you can go your way”, he categorically stated.
Source: MyNewsGh.com