Two men show up to claim baby after woman gives birth at hospital

There was a commotion in a U.S. hospital after two men who each believed were responsible for a woman’s pregnancy showed up for the birth of the baby, but hospital staff refused to let them both stay.

In a video going viral online, the expectant mother is seen lying on a bed, preparing for delivery while the two potential fathers sat in a corner.


The Hospital staff soon opens the door for a security man who asked that one of the men leaves because according to the hospital rule only the expectant mother and one person is allowed to be in the room with hospital staff during delivery.

Both men refused to leave and said they wanted to stay to see whose child it was.

“Look, this is the thing, sir, we don’t know if I’m the father or he’s the father so we both cannot go… We aren’t bothering nobody,” one of the men said.


The woman also didn’t want them to leave and kept asking employees, “What’s the problem” was told it was the rule of the hospital but she refused to listen.

As tension heightened, one of the men told hospital staff: “Let’s calm down so we can see who the baby looks like.”

Well, the hospital wasn’t having it as she packed her things and left the woman and both potential fathers.

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