Our Boot-licking Sycophancy won’t help Akufo-Addo and the NPP to succeed
We have read almost all your reactionary comments and views on your “Help Nana To Rule Ghana” platform, and we must be honestly candid and let you know that our writeup comment bear bitterness and disappointment towards hour demigod Akufo-Addo for causing the NPP to fall into a bottomless abyss.
Just enter various communities and politely ask for their sentiments towards this Akufo-Addo administration that had been much hailed earlier, and listen to their responses. If you’re politically conscious, astute, and mature, you will immediately shrink with shame for yourselves.
Why therefore don’t you want to listen to the bitter truth, rather than enjoying flattery? Running a successful administration is not done on platforms on which only positive comments are written. By that you become Achitopelian hypocrites. Just tell the truth and be flayed for telling the truth to save situations if you really love Ghana and your Party.
The conclusion we can draw is that you people aren’t genuine NPP from the glorious UP tradition.
Never has the United Party that has given birth to the Progress Party, the PFP, and the current generation of NPP seen such a sectionalist leader and President, whose cabinet is formed out of nepotistic “Akyemite” values.
The Akufo-Addo administration is unbearably a failure to the public, so if you think you’re a genuine patriot, call his attention to his yentie obiara infected syndrome copied from John Mahama.
A word to the wise is enough.
The Secretariat of 1956 United Party Tradition Committee
Source: www.thepressradio.com/ Ghana/ Nana Yaw Fri