Security analyst calls for enhanced security in SHS after students’ stabbing

A Security Analyst is calling for enhanced security in senior high schools (SHS) across the country to forestall students being maimed or killed.

Adam Bonaa bemoans the failure of government and relevant stakeholders in improving conditions, despite the ever-growing population at the secondary level for the recent attacks.

This is the second deadly incident in a senior high school in the country, this year. A student of Osei Kyeretwie SHS was also stabbed in the neck on campus.

Mr Bonaa wants government and the parents’ teacher associations to invest in adequate security in schools around the country.

The CEO of Warehouse Security Systems’ comments follow the stabbing of a final year student at the Effiduase SHS after he scaled the school’s wall to watch football.

Derick Agyei, 18, died few hours after being rushed to the Effiduase Government Hospital’s Emergency Unit after the armed men stabbed him in the neck on Wednesday evening.

The Effiduase District Commander, Superintendent Asare Bediako said the deceased, in the company of a friend, Douglas Obeng, 17, had scaled the school’s fence wall to watch a football match outside campus when the attack occurred.

The two students were accosted by two men who demanded they hand over their mobile phones and all the money they had on them.

“Obeng had only ¢2 on him which they took away but the deceased refused to give them his mobile phone and money. So, they attacked him and he struggled with him.

“While resisting their attack, one brought out a knife and stabbed him in the neck. Douglas sensing danger bolted, but instead of going back to the school to report, he went ahead to watch the football game,” Supt. Bediako said.

According to the police, the deceased suffered very deep wounds and died shortly after he was admitted to the hospital.

His friend Obeng told the police he was sacred and could not stand the gory image of his friend in such a situation that was why he left and did not come back.

A worried Mr Bonaa said security should have been considered in building the country’s schools considering the huge numbers being admitted lately.

“In my days, we were fewer and the housemaster can come in at any time and count to ensure that we were all around. But these days that will be a herculean task.

“One would have expected to come we would have simple biometric systems which will identify students who have left for prep, and they will clock back into the system when they get back,” he said.

According to him, the security services employed on the campuses are watchmen who lack the requisite training and intelligence to identify who is a student and who is not.

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