AUDIO: Chinese galamseyers collapsing our marriages – Antwiwaaso residents cry

Residents of Antiwaaso in the Amansie Central District of the Ashanti Region are licking their wounds over the social effects of Chinese illegal miners’ presence in their locality.

Some residents who spoke to Adom News said not only are the mining activities of the Chinese affecting their water bodies and lands but it has also affected their marriages.

The Chinese miners snatch women from their husbands. They give them money and they take them. They are destroying marriages here,” one woman said.

Since they got here, young girls have been getting pregnant. We see no results with our work. Our lands have been taken by these Chinese illegal miners and our water bodies have been polluted,” another resident cried.

The residents also complain that the galamse activities have created huge gullies which are now death traps due to the activities of the illegal miners.

They are therefore pleading with the government to help stop illegal mining operations in the area.


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