9, 246 Nigerian teachers fail qualification exam

Some 9,246 Nigerian teachers, who sat for the Batch A professional qualifying exam held in July 2020, reportedly failed.
The Teachers Registration Council of Nigeria (TRCN) said only 75%, a total of 28,094 candidates passed the exam.
The council’s registrar, Josiah Olusegun Ajiboye, who disclosed that about 7,023 candidates didn’t write the exam, added that majority of them have actually written the exam before and will be allowed to write the exam at the next available opportunity.
Ajiboye said:
“About 44,363 candidates registered for the examination but the total examined was 37,340 candidates. Due to the prevalence of Covid-19 and something like that, a large number of candidates could not move around or write the exam.
“We can see that it is a fair result- 75.24 percent is not bad. Gradually we are beginning to see that the pre-service teachers are getting familiarised with the use of computers. Initially when we started the failure was very high.
“The major reason we introduced the teacher qualifying exam is that we felt it is not possible for everybody to just walk in to the profession and just register like that (without writing an exam).”
SOURCE: Lindaikeji