8 die in cemetery fight

Eight people are reported dead, following a deadly fight on Saturday, at the Achiase-Antoa Cemetery in the Ejisu Municipality of the Ashanti region, between two groups that met there to bury their dead.
The brawl, which ensued between residents of the town and some artisans from the Suame Magazine in Kumasi, was initially sparked by who, between the two, should bury their dead first.
What reportedly escalated the conflict was when a motorbike belonging to one of the residents was suspected to have been stolen in the heat of the commotion by the boys from Suame magazine.
According to eye-witness accounts, machetes,clubs and cement blocks were employed in the free-for-all fight, which led to the multiple deaths and injuries.
So bloody were the clashes that other corpses that were enroute for interment at the cemetery were abandoned as pallbearers ran for their dear lives.
Source: thepublisheronline.com