7 things every woman wants to hear during s3x

Your woman wants to always communicate with you, and she expects the same from you.
During dates, on warm weekend afternoons when you’re both just chilling at home, and even during sex!
“Words can be a powerful aphrodisiac and often aren’t used enough,” says Ian Kerner, PhD, an American relationships expert.
While there are things you should not say to your babe during sex, there are also some things you tell her that have the power to seriously get her in the mood, increase her sexual confidence with you and make the whole experience brain-bursting for both of you every single time.
Just make sure to keep things honest, specific, and brief every time. Talking too much when the mood is almost set might actually work against you.
So what are the magic words to use with your bae just before, during, and after sex that’ll ensure that the experience is bomb all the time
Complement her hair
Just so you know, words are great for foreplay, too. Apart from the obvious erogenous zones that you can’t do without noticing – hello?! – you also have to do more to appreciate your girl’s physical appearance and make her feel attractive.
The hair is one thing women love to be appreciated for, given how much time and money they spend on it.
If she’s the type that’s into hair-pulling, you can promise her some of that, too.
Talk about her kisses
You can’t take this away from any love-making session as it is the most common foreplay.
So let your woman know she’s doing a fine job of it.
Dirty talk
This is great either before or during sexy time. But make sure it’s something your woman is comfortable with and also, be careful to not cross the line of what is sexy and what’s off-putting. These are things to say in bed to turn her on:
“I can’t wait to have your warm body in my arms” sounds nice.
“I can’t wait to be inside you.”
Sounds fine, too. It all depends on the level of freak you and your girl have reached.
I can’t get enough of your…
Insert the part of her body that drives crazy the most.
And do it in the most expressive manner you can muster.
While women have been advised to not project their body insecurities during sex, it actually makes sense to give positive feedback of that body when she gets naked with you.
It does not mean you are not being sincere, you are just focusing on the positives in that moment.
Easy, right?
That head game
Your relationship is actually half dead if you don’t give head, according to a poll Pulse conducted here.
So learn to do it and enjoy it. And if what she brings to the table for you to eat is satisfactory, you gotta let her know, bruh.
Also if her oral sex game is good, let her know.
Yeah, we get it. Men hold it in and just let out the occasional grunt. But it’s actually OK to moan sometimes.
Do it for a change.
This is a simple exclamation loaded with all sorts of excitement and mindblowing sensations you must have felt during the sex.
By doing this, you let her know that she just blew your mind and no words could suffice than that breathless exclamation!
Source: mynigeria.com