7 leftovers that can poison your family if reheated

It is a common practice among many people to reheat your leftover foods in an attempt to be enjoyed at a later time.
This can be somewhat safe and acceptable for many foods, but there are some specific food items that you need to avoid reheating as they may pose as a poison for you and your family.
Different foods have different nutritional value, but the ones that turn into a potential health risk when reheated must be avoided no matter how great the nutritional value they carry.
Here are seven food items that you must consider rethink before reheating.
Another useful vegetable item that is rich in nitrate contains and is a smart choice for anyone not to reheat this food. Although there are not many high harmful effects of reheating beets, it is still better not to do so and eat it cold.
These foods are incredibly delicious and healthy for you and should be included in your diet menu on a regular basis. However, make sure they do not pay regular visit to the microwave since these healthy foods can easily turn toxic and irritate you with a lot of health problems.
2. Chicken
If you reheat chicken after a day or two and eat it, it can become very toxic for your health. This is because all the protein composition changes when a cold chicken is heated for the second time after being kept in the fridge for a certain time.
This will cause digestive problems and acidity issues that would not make your feel comfortable. For this reason, it is better to eat your chicken cold or perhaps heat it carefully under low temperature and adding some healthy ingredients with it.
3. Potato
Potatoes have an incredible amount of healthy nutritional values that lets you make a great diet plan by having it on a regular basis. However, if reheated, the potatoes lose all their nutritional values and to be worse it becomes toxic that can cause health problems in various ways being a danger for your system.
4. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are one of the most well-known foods that are not advised to be reheated and should be eaten and finished right after preparation. Even if you want to eat them later, make sure you eat them cold whereas a matter of fact they stay as delicious as they were right after preparation, at least at most cases.
Mushroom’s protein contents and its composition will change after sitting. Reheating mushrooms can cause serious health problems including bad digestive issues.
5. Spinach
Spinach is another nutritious vegetable item that is dangerous to be reheated. It has a healthy amount of nitrates that turn into nitrites when reheated which is highly toxic. This is carcinogenetic to the body. It is always the best idea to eat Spinach right after preparation and not keep it as a leftover in the fridge.
6. Eggs
This is a high-risk food that is better not to be eaten again since it becomes toxic after it gets heated at a certain high temperature. However, if you have a meal that you are reheating that contains egg as one of the many ingredients, it is absolutely fine. All you need to do is to refrain from reheating boiled eggs or scrambled eggs.
7. Celery
This is a vegetable item that is mostly used for soups and does contain many good nutritional values. However, when you are reheating soup, make sure you take out celery since the nitrate contents of celery can be a problem for your health if it goes under heating for the second time.
Generally, any good nutritional vegetable item that comes around the family of Celery or carrots can into toxic substances if put into the microwave on a continuous basis.
Source: atinkaonline.com