5 ways to deal with the ‘side chick’ in your man’s life

A side chick is a mistress or she’s the other woman in your man’s life.Sometimes people perceive this act as normal but no, it is not.
It is not right to overlook any illegal affair by your husband as he owes his loyalty to you and has a legal obligation to uphold so he should be confronted about straying from his marital vows.
Infidelity doesn’t always mean that marriage and relationship have to end as it may be possible to salvage it and get it back on track in the aftermath of an affair.
If you are in such a situation, here’s how to get your marriage back on its grounds:
1. Control your emotions
Sometimes you wonder if you should confront her or sort it out with your man quietly at home? Or maybe you should give her a call just to let her know who she is messing with.
Give yourself a few hours or a few days, whatever you need to get your emotions under control as if you react on the spur of the moment. You might say or do something you will later regret. Think before you act. Then proceed with a well-thought-out plan
2. Get your facts right
Get to know who your husband is having an affair with and the reason why they are together.
A guilty spouse may be very eager to pin the blame for his error on the other party, whether he initiated the relationship or she did. Keep in mind that he may have lied to her or misrepresented the facts of his availability and marital circumstances.
3. Confront your husband with proof
Confront your husband with whatever proof you have obtained and tell him you know about the affair.
Do not ask him because he might lie, just go ahead with your solid proof.
4. Express your displeasure
Don’t beat around the bush. Let him know that you will not tolerate his affair.
Make it clear to him, in no uncertain terms that what he’s doing is not okay and that you want it to stop. Insist that he ends the affair immediately.
5. Be clear on the consequences if he does not stop
Make sure he knows there will be serious consequences if he ever has another affair. And be prepared to follow through.
Meanwhile, get legal and financial advice so you’ll know what your options are if the cheating should occur again.
Source: etvghana.com