Pastor arrested for selling tickets to heaven
“For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect” so says the bible in Matthew 24 versus 24.
If the about quote is anything to go by, the end times are imminent as these manifestations are now daily occurrences.
Whereas Ghana is grappling with her own share of Prophets and their prophecies, other African countries also have their share. is reporting has been arrested together with his wife after for allegedly selling tickets to heaven.
Pastor Tito Wats told thousands of people that it was Jesus who appeared to him, then gave him tickets to people especially sinners so that they could also enter heaven.
“I don’t care what people or the police are saying about me, I am being persecuted because of doing the work of God.”
“Jesus Christ appeared to me and gave me the tickets made of pure gold so that I can sell to people who want salvation”, said the pastor
Thousands of people are protesting at the pastor’s arrest and called on the police to release him immediately as they are using their own money to buy salvation.
Source: Ghanavibes