The nurse, Shine Addo, has since 2019 been suffering from pain around her hip area; after doctors said she was experiencing dislodgement of the hip bone at the time.
But three years after some medical attention, she has freshly been diagnosed with Avascular necrosis, which has left her with walking difficulties.
Avascular necrosis (AVN) is the death of bone tissue due to a loss of blood supply.
The ailment, which initially developed from the left side of the hip has now extended to the right hip due to delays in getting the surgery done.
Failure to undergo this critical surgery, doctors say, will lead to a permanent collapse of the hip bone tissue and severe crippling for the rest of her life.
She is scheduled for surgery at the St. Joseph’s Catholic Hospital in Koforidua, in the Eastern Region.
The planned surgery was supposed to have been done urgently on December 31, 2021, but the inability of the family to raise the amount involved makes it almost impossible for the surgery to take place.
Over the years, the family has used all their finances for the well-being of Shine after the outset of the condition and thus pleading with the public for support.

Individuals willing to donate can do so through the following means:
Mobile Money: 0247279191
Access Bank Ghana Limited (Tema Branch): 0121611981401
The account name for both options is Shine Addo.
Attached is the Pro forma Invoice from the St. Joseph’s Hospital: