3 things you can do to have healthy sperm
Lots of men have been experiencing a sharp decline in sperm production.
The quality of sperm produced in recent times has also been another concern in men, particularly, black men.
Although the reasons for the swift decline aren’t known, there are lots of hypothetical reasons.
For example, some of these conditions originate from being in close proximity to hazardous waste and power plants by virtue of geography and economic situations.
However, there is evidence that shows certain lifestyles are also a contributing factor to the decline in sperm.
If you’re wondering why your sperm’s quality is declining, here are certain things you should consider:
Stay away from contaminated Water
Water, contaminated with cadmium and lead can lead to a decline in sperm quality.
Desist from inhaling polluted Air
Heavy-metal pollutants, such as mercury from factory plants, and the smoke from coal pots are also contributors.
Processed foods should be ruled out of one’s diet
People eat more processed and packaged foods nowadays. This means more sperm-tanking EDCs. High rates of obesity and diabetes also raise the risk of less healthy sperm.