Landlords cannot forcibly throw out a tenant – Rent control

The Head of Public Relations at the Rent Control Department, Emmanuel Kporsu, says it is wrong and an offense if any landlord tries to forcibly evict a tenant.
According to Mr. Kporsu, any landlord that tries to evict a tenant forcefully is acting against the fundamental human rights of the tenant.
Mr. Kporsu added that “The landlords must understand that there are laws that govern renting and by violently throwing the belongings of a tenant out is against the law”
He was speaking on the topic’The Rights and Duties of Landlords and tenants’ on TV XYZ’s educative program dubbed My Lawyer My Counselor hosted by the award-winning broadcast journalist, Daakyehene Ofosu Agyeman.
Mr. Kporsu advised tenants to report any landlord that tries to forcibly remove their belongings from their room to the Police station.
‘Landlords must report their grievances to the Rent Control Department for an action to be taken against tenants and desist from taking the law into their own hands” he added.