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2023: Abia Guber Candidate, Johnson-Ogbuneke decries Voting buying during polls, insists

The Social Democratic Party Gubernatorial candidate in the forthcoming 2023 general elections in Abia state, Apostle Ngozika Gladys Johnson-Ogbuneke, has frowned financial inducements by the political class to the Nigerian electorates aimed at currying votes or favor during elections.
The SDP standard-bearer, who made the condemnation on the heels of the increasing rates of financial inducements as witnessed during the recently-concluded primary elections conducted by registered political parties across the Nigeria federation.
In a statement issued to newsmen in Umuahia, the Abia capital on Monday, Mrs Johnson-Ogbuneke, reminded the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) that as body saddled with the responsibility of regulating all the activities of registered political parties, it should adopt a stringent measures to halt this high rates of vote-buying by unscrupulous politicians during the electioneering processes, regretting that this undemocratic practices have continued to hinder the genuine efforts of patriotic Nigerians in bringing the dividends of democracy to the doorsteps of the people.
Words: “these levels of polity whereby gifts are being directly given to the electorates are inducements. They are indirect vote-buying and should be stopped by INEC.
“When the politicians enter into offices, they will then justify their looting the treasuries to pay back the huge monies which have gone down the drain.
“The vicious circle remains that the citizens, the masses are easily forgotten and they wallow into greater degrees of poverty”.
She maintained that vote buying practices by the political class must stop and allow the electorates choose those who will work towards enhancing their welfares, and as well to improve and deepen economic growths and Infrastructural development in all facets of the country.
“These should be stopped and lets the masses have the chance and free will to scrutinize the candidates and choose leaders with integrity to serve them”, the party chieftain added.
Continuing, Johnson-Ogbuneke reiterated her political ideologies which hinged on politics with sensibility and carry the masses along to educate them on good choice in election of leaders.
“All those enticing the masses with gifts rather than showing their track records of who they are, of what they have done for humanity and what they plan to do when given the votes, all those doing inducement politics should be truly be disqualified”.
Johnson-Ogbuneke, however, reiterated that time is now to provide responsive leadership to the people of Abia, and entire Nigerians as she further regretted that the country is sickened and called on the electorates to vote in credible candidates with development oriented plans to enhance their welfare and Infrastructural development.

“Abia state deserve better. Nigeria indeed deserve good things. It is sickening watching and reading of such levels of deception. It is enough”.
Source:| Nigeria| Chijindu Emeruwa