15-year-old who fled from home due to starvation now living as a trotro mate

Emmanuel Agomeda is a 15-year-old whose last option was to flee from home just to keep himself alive.
Presently, Emmanuel is a bus conductor (mate) here in Accra and sleeps in the bus after a hard day’s work. Speaking to Ayisha Bayipa on SVTV Africa, he indicated that he had to leave his home because his stepmom refused him food.
”After my mom died, my father married another woman and she doesn’t give me food. So I was always hungry,” Emmanuel said.
He further stated that he resorted to stealing whenever he felt hunger.
”I had to steal from people for food. When I came back home, my parents will beat me up for stealing. So I decided to leave the village and come to Accra to work. I can’t stay and die eventually,” Emmanuel added.
Speaking on his education, Agomeda couldn’t go back after it resumed but wishes to. Moreover, he has no place to lay his head.
Let’s support Emmanuel Agomeda. Please contact SVTV Africa Foundation if you want to help.
Kindly watch the full interview below;
Source: svtvafrica.com