STRANGE as men queue to have an intercouse with a prostitutes in Kenya

It’s very strange that people wait in line for a certain prostitute.
The well-off 35-year-old from Nyanga works with both men and women.
She also gives credit to customers who buy from her often.
“I do work on credit for my loyal customers because I know they won’t run away with my money,” the woman said.
But customers can’t just show up and ask for services to be done on credit.
Before they go to her house, they talk about it on the phone.
“My clients and I understand each other and treat each other with respect.
They don’t come knowing that they don’t have money “she told me.
The woman said that she had no trouble serving both men and women.
“At first, I was only interested in working with men.
But one day, a woman sent me a message and asked if I also worked for them.
I didn’t think twice before saying yes, “she told me.
She said that she knew everything the woman needed and gave it to her.
“If you don’t know how to do something, just ask a sexual worker. Google.
You’ll find every answer there.”
The woman then started to serve both men and women, as long as they were 18 or older.
She said that she was sometimes so busy that customers had to wait outside.
She told people to stop putting other people down.
“Let’s respect how hard other people work.
Even if you have a good job, that doesn’t mean you should look down on other people who work hard “she told me.
Older people who work as prostitutes in Bulawayo say that new faces are making it hard for them to find customers.
They’ve been giving sex services next to the field for a long time and have a lot of customers. But everything has changed because of a new generation of people who work in street sex.
And now there are sex wars! The people who had been doing sex work for a long time said that the new people made it hard for them to find customers.
Even though there hasn’t been a physical fight between the two groups, they don’t get along very well. The two groups are working on 11th Avenue between Robert Mugabe Way and Samuel Parirenyatwa Streets and between Mashasha Ndlovu and Third Avenues.
“We are struggling to make ends meet.
You can stand here all day and no one will pick you up.
We see more and more new people every day, and it’s hard to keep up. We can’t fight them because they’ll say that they have rights too “One of the old workers, who went by the name “Candy,” said this (real name Nomsa Mlotshwa).
Image: Representative