High efficiency of LPGS Compared to Traditional Stoves

The envirofit is a commercial LPG stoves for Ghana and an organisation that develops well-engineered technology solutions to improve the living conditions on a global scale with primary emphasis on applications in developing countries.
Speaking at the sidelined of the local stakeholder consultation meeting, General Manager, Mr Emmanuel Osea‐Nyarko reiterated that the purpose of this project is to disseminate energy efficient LPG stoves (hereinafter referred as LPGs), in commercial locations throughout Ghana.
According to him, the LPGS disseminated under the project may include a variety of models. The intention of the project is to ensure a variety of project implementers(PI’s), including Envirofit amongst others, have access to carbon finance and market mechanisms via a flexible project structure. Envirofit wishes to encourage the uptake of LPGs in Ghana by making it as simple as possible for PI’s to benefit from finance and incentives available via carbon markets. Carbon project finance will serve to mitigate one of the main barriers (upfront price) for end users in adopting LPGS.
He said Envirofit itself has developed and manufactured a series of efficient cookstove models for dissemination in Ghana and has also developed carbon project across Africa. A wide variety of LPGS from multiple manufacturers will be for inclusion under this project.
Mr Osea‐Nyarko emphasis that traditional cooking methods prevalent across Ghana today, result in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions due to inefficient combustion of fuel. The use of unsustainable source, non-renewable biomass(NRB) in Ghana is a major driver of deforestation. Widespread usage of NRB(with fnrb =~76%) for cooking reduces the ability of forest in Ghana to sequester carbon, whereby increasing net GHG emissions.
He observed that encouraging food vendors to patronising the Envirofit cooking methods project will charcoal diseases.
The high efficiency of LPGS compared to traditional stoves means that they contribute significantly to GHG emissions reductions.
Source: Joseph Nana Yaw Cobbina|Contributor